Monday, 26 July 2010

oh Monday...

well..well..well..Monday. sigh..i dont know specifically y people hate u so much..u r unwelcome by almost everyone in the world..and people pray for u to go away faster..I do feel the same thing..especially after a great weekend I had..

Talking about my last weekend..nothing fancy..On saturday, we went to a workshop in PJ to sent Heikal's car for repaint..not the whole car, only the co-pilot door..someone with itchy hands smartly made a long scratch on the door..i dunno why people all so envy of other's for having things that they do not hav..well, that's what i thought..or maybe they hold grudge on me cos I drove the car the day it got scratch..pity heikal..sorry dear..

we drove seperately to PJ..Mika was with me in his carseat..when we almost reached the area..he started to get cranky..told him all the time that he shudnt be like that when I'm driving..nothing much i can hand hold the stering n the other hand hold the milk bottle..luckily there was no roadblock..I am now need to be more obidient..(after I need to pay rm900 for my saman, in order to renew my roadtax..and all r for speeding) malu ok..its like speeding is my way of driving..heikal is just so lucky he never get cought..his saman were only a small ones..*malu*

after we sent heikal's car..we decided to go to Sunway Pyramid..Its been so long since I last been here..I think, it was few years back..and that time, the new wing was not even there yet..I was so impress with the fly over straight to the parking..(mind that I never been there since a decade bit terkesima okayy..) I kinda disappointed to find that no toy r us there..i thought they shud The main purpose I was looking for toy r us is becos I read in the newspaper last Friday that Dibo the dragon is already in Malaysia. Pelican gets the marketing license to sell the items under the brand in Malaysia. Mika loves the cartoon so I wanted to get him the toy...Heikal said I was too excited, that I might missed the news saying it will be distributed soon..not that already available in Malaysia..sigh..

we ended up buying dvds instead since I suppose to buy it for our Friday movie nite..we bought 3 dvds: Adnan sempit (cos every one keep telling it worth to watch), one chinese movie (I slept halfway of watching it cos I was too sleepy), and p.s i love you:)
oh..its already 1pm..makan time..will get back later on the synopsis of the movie..daaa..

Friday, 23 July 2010

ikea..just now..

wahhh..improving..third post dah ni:) hahahahah..i went to ikea during lunch hour just now..well, ikea just 5 minute awy from my near..i got Mika new bedsheet cos he spilled milk last nite plus he only hav 1 set of bedsheet. I thought of having meatball after that..but the queue was hell long..quite crowded and the parking was full..guess mayb becos of long hour break..for gomen..and yea, lots of gomen people there..not sure if they work nearby, or having course somewheere here, or they hav lunch trip to ikea..but u really can tell if they r gomen people..its like there is a note on their forehead saying " i work with gomen"..hehehehe..thats y i always try not to work with of the other strong reason is, i like wearing office attire and i understood gomen does not allow their staff to wear pants n suits..i mean for certain level of, imagine u r wearing baju kurung or kebaya everyday?hehehe..really not me..

ouch..i was suppose to buy dvds...ala..lupe..nevermind will get that tomorrow plus its not that we r going to watch it tonite..sigh..

kla..going for zuhur prayer..i know..i know..its almost 4..

till laterss..

happy weekend everyone:)

a second post!!!!

hahahha..funny how excited i was when i started this blog..i was so excited that i was so confident i will manage to maintain posting each of every day like what most bloggers did..well..well..since i know myself suprise to it..ermm..lots of things happened in the past few months..i am already a mother to a gorgeous adoreable masculine liltle hero..Mohamed Qaleef Mikael...he is now already 3 month old and actively improving his skill in turning n prone (is that the word for "meniarap"? later i'll check)..the best thing in the morning is to see his melting smile..oooohhh..really i'm melt..he now knows how to respond to us..good progress apart from he only gained 0.3kg last month..sigh..headache to find why oh why only 0.3kg..anyway, as long as he is healthy, nothing much to adviced by most people i refered to..thank God...

I remember when i was pregnant to Mika..towards the end of the pregnancy i dont dare to cook cos I cant eat my own cooking..i sometimes cooked for Heikal but I didnt heikal decided we eat outside every nite..and he was fine with it..when i came back from my confinement, I started to far I managed to cook everyday without fail except for saturday:) *pat shoulder*

Having Mika around is totally a new challenging..I need to learn to manage my time wisely and be multitasking..seriously. Cos Mika is not like any other kids who normally will sleep for hours in day time and will sleep soundly at nite..I remembered my mum said "Masa Mika tido, jangan la join tido skali..memang la keje tak dapat buat" its true..once Mika is in deep sleep, I started my routine..or else, I cant catch up all the housechores in time..and as for now, Mika is in nursery and I fetch him after work. I already understood his sleeping routine..He will normally sleep for 1/2 after I fetch him..then stay awake for 1- 1 1/2 hours to sleep back..this time he really sleep..with that I need to plan wisely what I need to do by the time Heikal is back from office, at least I manage to get the dinner what I did..I will feed him first thing when we reached home..then once he is full, he will play by himself..I will turn on the cartoon channel..this normally last for ~45 min before he started to crank..with that 45 min, I quickly cook..normally simple dishes..(please note: dishes ok..not just dish:P hahaha)..then I will get him for his 1/2 an hour nap..I will then rush straight for shower and maghrib..If he still asleep when I'm done, I will do other thing eg ironing or laundry..yess, i need to fully utilise the time..i remembered one day, mika was already asleep n I'm done with my housechores..then i told heikal i need to do something cos Mika is asleep..yess to that extend..I just got paranoid if I just waste the time without doing anything then I realise I shud have done this or that earlier..sigh...I guess so far I am getting better in managing the term of heikal's need and Mika's need..Alhamdullilah..I really hope I've give them the best as I could..obvioulsy will get better in times..

well..i'm going out lunch now..God its Friday..cant wait to get back home..normally we will have our "dvd and sleep at living hall"nite but this week we have to call it sad:( Mika must be looking forward for tonite and disappointed that it was cancelled..darn!!!

till latessss..