well..well..well..Monday. sigh..i dont know specifically y people hate u so much..u r unwelcome by almost everyone in the world..and people pray for u to go away faster..I do feel the same thing..especially after a great weekend I had..
Talking about my last weekend..nothing fancy..On saturday, we went to a workshop in PJ to sent Heikal's car for repaint..not the whole car, only the co-pilot door..someone with itchy hands smartly made a long scratch on the door..i dunno why people all so envy of other's for having things that they do not hav..well, that's what i thought..or maybe they hold grudge on me cos I drove the car the day it got scratch..pity heikal..sorry dear..
we drove seperately to PJ..Mika was with me in his carseat..when we almost reached the area..he started to get cranky..told him all the time that he shudnt be like that when I'm driving..nothing much i can do..one hand hold the stering n the other hand hold the milk bottle..luckily there was no roadblock..I am now need to be more obidient..(after I need to pay rm900 for my saman, in order to renew my roadtax..and all r for speeding) malu ok..its like speeding is my way of driving..heikal is just so lucky he never get cought..his saman were only a small ones..*malu*
after we sent heikal's car..we decided to go to Sunway Pyramid..Its been so long since I last been here..I think, it was few years back..and that time, the new wing was not even there yet..I was so impress with the fly over straight to the parking..(mind that I never been there since a decade ago..so bit terkesima okayy..) I kinda disappointed to find that no toy r us there..i thought they shud hav..no?? The main purpose I was looking for toy r us is becos I read in the newspaper last Friday that Dibo the dragon is already in Malaysia. Pelican gets the marketing license to sell the items under the brand in Malaysia. Mika loves the cartoon so much..so I wanted to get him the toy...Heikal said I was too excited, that I might missed the news saying it will be distributed soon..not that already available in Malaysia..sigh..
we ended up buying dvds instead since I suppose to buy it for our Friday movie nite..we bought 3 dvds: Adnan sempit (cos every one keep telling it worth to watch), one chinese movie (I slept halfway of watching it cos I was too sleepy), and p.s i love you:)
oh..its already 1pm..makan time..will get back later on the synopsis of the movie..daaa..
hai shim...lama x 'jmpa' kn!actualy lin are ur silent reader.suka curi2 msuk ur fb,semata2 nk tgk ur cute mika...mika darn cute shim.masa lahir lin ckp eh hensemnye mika ni!love the natural hair!hehe
ReplyDeletei enjoyed bc ur pot pet oso,so rajin2 la updet psl ur routine&mika ye..urgh i tink i am a bad wife,msk dishes jarg,folding bju mls,semuanya sbb penatttt!but already find solution.mkn jamu!dang!toksin in bods mmg bole lead to laziness,so hopefuly aftr flushed it away,all the laziness wil gone.hehe
mm lin cianla dgr mika dok nursery,xpela at least nnt dia akan more independent&lebih cepat belajar.3 mnth dh bole role over.wht a fast learner!weee~
alamak lupa nk ckp posl weight,adam pon kurus je shim...mmg ada skali tu xingt brape bln nek 0.3kg gak..skrg pon bru dlm 5kg je kot.xleh nk wt apa,so wild guess maybe bcuz of the daddy's gene kot yg slim mlim tu.hehe btw shim bg similac ke?adam minum s26 mula2 tp xtahan pns,so maintain minum snow.nk tukar enfalac A+ tp isau lak kang tetibe dtg prob lain such as constipation,etc so stick with snow aje..wondering,brape la agaknya height mika skrg ye?70cm?ouch!hii
ReplyDeleteHi Lin,
ReplyDeleteJust noticed ur comments since I've been neglected this blog for quite sometimes..so thanks for the support..i always wanted to jot down something here..but sometimes i just forgot n bit limited..will keep thing updated:)